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I am one of those people who's life has been affected by Christ since I was little. I have always gone to church along with my whole family and was baptised when I was 7. I am one of the lucky ones that never had to go through the pain of living without what some people would think. I really fell away from God when I became old enough to realize everything that was going on around me. It looked fun, and church just looked boring. The path I chose was fun at first, but of course it became redundant, and I began to notice changes in my attitude and words. It was always the same thing every day...get up, go to school, go to gym, do homework, sleep...repeat. I began to lose my motivation and energy to be happy. I needed a different stability in my life- one that didn't take, take, take from me, but rather a certain stability that was encouraging and helped me when i truly needed it. Not fake friends who claimed they cared but
were nowhere to be found when the time came. I began to realize that the only thing that would satisfy this need was a certain something (or someone) that I had been struggling to ignore for years. I hadn't even realized how much better life is when you actually acknowledge that someone who cares about you more than anything is willing to help you with all of your problems and won't abandon you no matter what. Today I still have to remind myself how much I need God's grace- not only with life today, but also because I don't exactly want to spend an eternity in heaven's antithesis.
Nicole Rogers
Kingwood, Tx
Oklahoma University